Titanium dioxide market daily report on 2023-12-14

Recently, the shipments of titanium ore enterprises have been good, the quotations of small and medium-sized manufacturers have remained stable, and the market price has temporarily stabilized: The quotations in the imported titanium ore market are running strong. This month, the bidding price for low-calcium, high-magnesium titanium slag from northern enterprises is RMB 7800/ton, an increase of RMB 110/ton from last month. The price of titanium raw materials remains high, and the production price of enterprises is still at a loss. The quotation of titanium slag enterprises is strong. In Yunnan region, there is a power limit, and some slag factories are taking turns for maintenance. The market quotation of titanium tetrachloride is RMB 6200-6600/ton. The circulation of titanium tetrachloride in the market is less, the downstream market is weak, the market supply and demand is basically balanced, and the price is temporarily stable. The mainstream quotation of the first-class sponge titanium civilian products in the sponge titanium market is about RMB 51,000-52,000/ton: The newly added production capacity in the market this month is gradually released, and the market start-up maintains a high position: The downstream demand of sponge titanium is weak, the market transaction price is low: The market is weak and stable. Today’s titanium dioxide price index is 2262, up 2 from yesterday. With the improvement of the shipment situation in the titanium dioxide market, some manufacturers are de-stocking, coupled with the reduction in industry supply, the titanium dioxide market has remained stable in recent days, but with the release of new production capacity, and the continuous weakness of the downstream, enterprises are also cautious in purchasing.

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