Titanium dioxide market daily report on 2024-07-12


The market price of Titanium Tetrachloride is quoted at 63,000-68,000 CNY per ton. The price of liquid chlorine has declined, but the price of titanium raw materials remains firm. The Titanium Tetrachloride market is operating at low capacity, and its price is stable for now. The mainstream price for first-grade sponge titanium in the civil market is around 49,000-50,000 CNY per ton, with companies facing significant pressure to sell. There are some low-priced sources entering the market, causing the mainstream price to weakly stabilize. The current Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) price index is 2139.68,525.51, an increase of 5 from yesterday. The European Union has announced the implementation of preliminary tax rates, which will be in effect for six months temporarily, increasing the pressure on titanium dioxide exports. Domestic demand has not improved, and some companies are still under inventory pressure. The titanium dioxide market is operating weakly and steadily.

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