Category Archives: Nano TiO2

Nano TiO2

Appearance odor-free, white powder Based on manufacturer’s standard
Titanium dioxide content More than 78% Based on GB/T 1706-2006
Rutile relative amount More than 97% Based on GB/T 30793-2014
Content of zirconium oxide less than 5.0% XRF
Detection of Si-Kα line by X-ray Fluorescence
Alumina content not more than 15.0% XRF
Detection of Si-Kα line by X-ray Fluorescence
Undertone* Transparency Three types of standard Based on manufacturer’s standard
Frontal golden no less than the standard
Lateral blue phase no less than the standard
Loss on Drying ≤ 3.0%
Not more than 3.0%
105℃,2 hours
105℃,2 hours
The value is compared with the standard sample.
The transparency of various specifications corresponds to different standard samples, such as- L to L530, – M to TTO – 55D, – H to PGNR – 508H product, its batch number is 170611034.