Titanium Dioxide Industry Perspective Weekly-2024-07-26 to 2024-08-02

Market Report

1. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Market Analysis

  • The market for titanium ore (ilmenite) remains tight, with small and medium manufacturers pricing 46%-10% ilmenite at $307-$311 per ton, and 47%-20% ilmenite at $338-$353 per ton. Prices for 38% titanium ore (excluding tax) are around $221-$225 per ton. Supply remains tight, and prices are expected to remain stable due to high production costs and supply constraints.
  • Imported titanium ore prices are stable, with Mozambique titanium ore at $368 per ton and Kenyan 47%-49% grade ore at $362 per ton. Despite high downstream production costs and limited supply, the market for imported titanium ore remains firm.
  • The high titanium slag market is under pressure, with prices for high titanium slag around $804-$812 per ton. Production costs are high due to expensive raw materials, and despite weak downstream prices, the high titanium slag market is expected to remain weak.
  • The titanium tetrachloride market is stable, with current prices around $870-$940 per ton. Though liquid chlorine prices have dropped, high raw material costs keep titanium tetrachloride prices near the cost line.

2. Titanium Dioxide Pigment Market Trends

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