Category Archives: Industry News

Industry news

Titanium dioxide market daily report on 2024-03-28

The price of Panzhihua mining’s new single quote remains firm, with a business quote above 317.47 USD/ton. The price for April in large factories will be increased by 20.74 USD/ton, leading to a strong wait-and-see sentiment in the market. Yunnan titanium ore prices also remain stable temporarily, and titanium ore prices will continue to operate […]

Titanium dioxide market daily report on 2024-03-27

The price for the new orders of Panzhihua Iron and Steel remains strong at approximately $318.26/ton. The large factories will increase the price by nearly $20.76/ton in April, which elicits a wait-and-see sentiment in the market. Recently, there has been an increase in inquiries for Chengde Titanium Ore, and the business quotation remains at a […]

Titanium dioxide market daily report on 2024-03-22

The demand for titanium ore remains steady, with the market maintaining a tight balance between supply and demand. The miners’ quotation remains strong, and some market participants are optimistic about the future market. It is reported that the price of a major factory will increase by 150 yuan/ton (20.84 USD/ton) in April. The market for […]

Titanium dioxide market daily report on 2024-03-19

The domestic price of titanium ore in China remains high due to insufficient operations among market enterprises. Influenced by high costs, downstream enterprises are cautious in their procurement, while the overall market supply remains tight. The quotations from ore merchants also remain strong. The market for high slag titanium slag is weakly stable, with the […]